Although we’re familiar with Earth’s major extinction events being caused by calamities such as large asteroid strikes or severe disruptions to the planet’s climate, researchers have uncovered evidence that the recently-discovered mass extinction of large marine mammals toward the end of the Pliocene 2.6 million years ago may have been caused by one or more nearby supernovae that bathed the Earth in deadly radiation.
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Earth seems to have had a number of lucky escapes recent years; several asteroids have passed uncomfortably close to our home planet, and one exploded without warning in 2013 over Chelyabinsk in Russia, causing injuries to residents and extensive damage to buildings.

Now another piece of space debris has been identified as a potential risk, as scientists reveal that a mountain-sized asteroid could be on a collision course with planet Earth.
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Back in 1965, maverick scientist James Lovelock, warned an oil company that the year 2000 would not be dominated by fusion-powered cars or advanced technology, but by the changing climate.

"It will be worsening then to such an extent that it will seriously affect their business," he said. He may have slightly under-played the effect of advanced technology on our society, but he was certainly not wrong about the environment.
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A poll led by the Pew Global Attitudes Project has canvassed more than 48,000 people from all different cultures, religions and nationalities to discover what they believe to be the greatest current threats facing humanity in the 21st century.

People from 44 different countries were given a list of potential threats and asked to name which of these constituted their greatest fears for the human race, answering the question:

"Which one of these poses the greatest threat to the world?"
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