NASA has unveiled an array of nine instrument packages that are to be included on an upcoming space probe that will be sent to Jupiter’s moon Europa, of which will include sensors that will look for evidence of life.

Europa is considered to be a good candidate for harboring life, with what scientists believe to be a liquid, salty ocean over a rocky surface, and hydrothermal vents that could provide heat and nutrients for potential organisms. Conditions similar to these are also found on Earth, and teem with life.
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As NASA’s Dawn spacecraft approached the dwarf planet, a bright spot that had been observed as long as 10 years ago by the Hubble Space Telescope came into sharper and sharper focus. But then what happened?

Listen as Linda Moulton Howe gets the latest information and thinking from NASA on what Ceres is, what the bright spot may be, and just when we will see close up imagery.

Right now, Dawn is orbiting the back side of the planetoid, but why didn’t we see any more detailed images during its initial approach?

What’s going on out there? Don’t miss this fascinating update!

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The concept of the Universe as concrete objects within empty space is exactly backward, according to Paramahamsa Tewari, creator of the Space Vortex Theory. “A century from now,” he contends, “it will be well known that: the vacuum of space which fills the universe is itself the real substratum of the universe … [and] that vacuum has always existed and will exist forever. Then scientists, engineers and philosophers will bend their heads in shame knowing that modern science ignored the vacuum in our chase to discover reality for more than a century.”
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In 1976, the Viking program’s orbiter and lander reached Mars, and the lander’s life experiments returned data that the scientists who had designed them had expected to see if living organisms were present in the soil. However, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, fearing that a positive finding about life on the red planet would cause their Mars funding to be diverted to the manned spaceflight program, issued various denials and succeeded in clouding the picture sufficiently to insure that robotic programs would continue.
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