NASA scientists have allegedly been working tirelessly for years in order to establish the possibility of finding any form of life on the planet Mars.

To date, they assert that no definitive evidence has been found, despite recent reports which suggest that the planet hosts a plentiful water source. But a recent image snapped by the Opportunity rover earlier this year has elevated the topic into a cause celebre amongst scientists in this field of research.

The image shows an unusual stone-like object on the surface of Mars, which seemed to suddenly appear in one of the more

When NASA’s Curiosity Rover first dug into the Martian desert, it found clays that could only have been formed by fresh water. This meant that, around three billion years ago, Mars was a watery planet. But did it support life? On the first anniversary of its landing, halfway through its primary mission, Curiosity is headed to the foothills of Mount Sharp, an 18,000-foot mountain whose rocks could provide clues to a time on Mars when life could have thrived. But because Curiosity is driving at a careful pace–about a hundred yards a day–the journey will take eight or nine months to complete.
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The sun’s magnetic field flips every 11 years, and it’s about to do it again. As reported on it last flipped on February 15, 2001, as the previous solar max reached its height. The complete field reversal is 3 to 4 months away. The shift will mark the midpoint of Solar Max 24, which has been one of the quietest on record. However, quiet solar maximums tend to produce fewer but more intense solar storms, as happened a few weeks ago when a huge coronal mass ejection was sent into more

NASA has finally decided to try to do something about dangerous asteroids that may be headed for Earth. They have announced a new "Grand Challenge" to find all dangerous space rocks and figure out how to stop them. But not all asteroids are killers, so how do you identify the ones that are? And if you determine that one of them is a menace to life on our planet, what do you DO about it?
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