The internet has been abuzz with rumors about an apparentearth-sized object appearing near the sun in some NASA SolarTerrestrial Relations Observatory images. Some individualshave even gone so far as to identify the civilizations theseplanetary-sized “motherships” have come from. However, thereis an immediate fundamental problem with the idea that theseare unidentified flying objects. It is that their solarsides are shadowed instead of lit, as they would be ifsunlight was actually striking them. According to NASA,these are indeed video artifacts that have appeared as aresult of a failure in the Deep Space Central Data Recorder.
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A handheld camera on NASA Shuttle Mission STS 115 tracks a release fuel tank, when suddenly at :27 seconds in, an unknown object shows up in the lower right of the screen, and is there for about four seconds. NASA has not commented on the unknown object. The mission took place from 9/9/06 to 9/20/06 and was commanded by Navy Captain Brent Jett, more

There is tremendous worldwide sorrow over the loss of the seven astronauts aboard the space shuttle. It’s much greater than the sadness that would attend the loss of a 747 with 350 people aboard.

There is a reason for this, and it is a good one: our astronauts are at the leading edge of human endeavour. They are carefully chosen for their accomplishments, abilities and general excellence. They are the best we have, striding into danger with a smile and a wave.

Among the most vivid memories of my life are the moment when the Apollo capsule burned in January of 1967, and the stunning sight of Challenger exploding. I will never forget the power of those images, the shock, and then the deep, abiding fear that crept in afterward.
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