Aside from NASA’s solar-powered Ingenuity aircraft, should there be anything flying around the skies of Mars? One of the navigation cameras on board the Mars Curiosity Rover has photographed what appears to be an airborne object streaking past the rover. Taken by Curiosity’s Right Navigation Camera on Sol 3613 (October 5, 2022 for us Earth-lubbers) in the Red Planet’s Galeread more

The James Webb Space Telescope has taken its first direct image of a planet in a distant star system nearly 400 light years away, producing an image with a clarity that exceeds JWST’s designers’ expectations by about ten times. HIP 65426 b is a Jupiter-sized gas planet 385 light years awayread more

On July 12, NASA released the first full images captured by the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), offering a deeper, more detailed look at a quintet of celestial phenomena. Aside from being 100 times more sensitive than the Hubble Space Telescope, the JWST is capable of seeing deeper into theread more