The National Aeronautics and Space Administration has announced that they will be launching an independent study of the UAP phenomenon later this year, focusing on “identifying available data, how best to collect future data, and how NASA can use that data to move the scientific understanding of UAPs forward,” accordingread more

“Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.” ~ Albert Einstein Recent weeks have seen the viral spread of articles claiming that NASA has hired 24 priests to ponder the question of how the world’s religions might react to the revelation of evidence of life elsewhere in the more

UPDATE: JWST’s launch has been pushed back to Christmas Day at 12:20 UTC (7:20 AM EST, 4:20 AM PST) Although there is no news that Santa Claus has been successful in conquering the hearts of the Martians (yet), there is plenty of other news from not only Mars, where significant amounts ofread more

On November 24, NASA launched the Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) mission, a test to determine if an asteroid that might pose an impact risk to Earth could be redirected before it comes close to hitting us. However, the DART probe won’t be gathering data for scientists on Earth toread more