Anne Strieber starts off this edition of our subscriber specials with a delightful story of the ghosts in her life, but then matters turn more serious when Dr. Botkin goes into detail about exactly what he thinks is happening when the IADC process induces the appearance of a dead person. Is this imaginary, imaginal or completely real? And if it is real, Whitley Strieber asks the question: where are the dead when they aren’t with us? You will be fascinated by Dr. Botkin’s answer and by this whole amazing field of IADC.
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Dr. Allan Botkin has pioneered a means of inducing afterlife communication using a variant of EMDR, or eye-movement desensitization and reprocessing. This process is used to help people who have post-traumatic stress disorder, but it turns out that it has an amazing ability to induce after-death communication in an organized and repeatable manner for a wide variety of people.
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Did Steve Jobs have a vision of the afterlife on his death-bed? Does quantum physics suggest that our mind might survive the physical death of our body? How do some near-death experiencers ‘see’ outside of their bodies at a time when they are supposed to be dead? In ‘Stop Worrying! There Probably is an Afterlife’, author Greg Taylor covers all these questions and more. From Victorian seance rooms through to modern scientific laboratories, Taylor surveys the fascinating history of research into the survival of human consciousness, and returns with a stunning conclusion: that maybe we should stop worrying so much about death, because there probably is an afterlife.
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The near-death experience reported by cardiac arrest survivors worldwide may be grounded in science, according to research at the University of Michigan.

Previously, it was not believed that the brain could be active after death, but now it appears that there is a burst of superconsicous activity for about 30 seconds AFTER its blood flow has stopped. Some scientists are saying that this is proof that the near-death experience is ‘all in the brain,’ but others aren’t so sure.

A U-M study showed shortly after clinical death, in which the heart stops beating and blood stops flowing to the brain, rats display brain activity patterns characteristic of conscious perception.
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