More information has come to light regarding the mysterious attacks perpetrated against American diplomats working at the U.S. Embassy in Cuba: 21 individuals have now been affected by what appears to be a series of attacks employing a covert sonic weapon. U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson announced that they are considering closing the embassy in response to the incidents, a move that could severely damage recently renewed diplomatic ties between Cuba and the U.S.
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Dr. Marjorie Hines Woollacott is a leading neuroscientist with many important papers to her name. She has also had an experience of awakening when touched between the eyes by Siddah Yoga founder Swami Mukdananda. 

In this inspiring edition of Dreamland, she explains why she does not accept the mainstream belief among neuroscientists that the brain generates consciousness, but rather feels that consciousness is a much larger, older reality that lies outside of our bodies, in which we participate through the transceiver of the brain.
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A new experiment has been proposed by a theoretical physicist that is intended to determine if the human mind is actually bound by the laws of physics, or if it ignores measurable reality and follows its own rules altogether — and in doing so, indicating that the human mind could very well have the potential to use free will to overcome physics itself.
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