Throughout human history, many unfortunate individuals have fallen victim to crippling phobias, from natural fears such as arachnophobia, to fears acquired from traumatic events, leading to PTSD. These conditions can take sometimes years, even lifetimes to cure, and some individuals never truly overcome their phobias. However, a new therapy that re-writes the memories associated with these fears can cure an individual of their phobia — in roughly two minutes.
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Doesn’t it strike you as odd – as science and technology continue to accelerate the pace at which the future overtakes the present and then quickly disappears into the past – that we still haven’t figured out Who we are, What we are, Where we are, Why we are, and How we got here – let alone what the Nature of Reality actually is? WTF?! continues to be the most succinct summary of our existential quandary – even as we race headlong to the very brink of our species’ self-extinction.
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