Talk about aflockalypse! Here’s the reason we’re scared about radiation from Japanese power plants blowing our way: Even though it’s been 25 years since the Chernobyl power plant meltdown, birds living near the site STILL have 5% smaller brains (there’s no report on the brains of the HUMANS living in the area). The low-dose radiation released at Chernobyl has proved to have significant effects on normal brain development, shown by the birds’ brain size. Biologist
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As US policy makers renew emphasis on the use of nuclear energy in their efforts to reduce the country’s oil dependence, other factors come into play. One concern of paramount importance is the seismic hazard at the site where nuclear reactors are located.
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Are there nuclear power plants in our future? After the BP oil spill disaster, people is business and politics are beginning to think what used to be the unthinkable: nuclear power. In 1979, a film called “The China Syndrome” came out, with the premise that a meltdown at a nuclear power plant could open up a hole that would extend through the center of the earth all the way to China, on the other side of the globe. This was the same year that the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant in Pennsylvania became the site of the worst civilian nuclear accident in US history, when it suffered a partial meltdown. These two events created strong US opposition to nuclear power plants, and there has been resistance to them here ever since.
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Thank goodness! – In light of the revelation (from some of the so-called “pirates” on board) that the recent hijacking of a Russian ship may have actually been a cover up for that country shipping a missile system to Iran that would give it the power to send nukes to Israel, it turns out that nuclear bombs difficult to make (thank goodness!)
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