Recent studies in theoretical physics have found that faster-than-light travel, through the manipulation of gravity—or bending the physical fabric of space-time—is not as impossible as was once thought.  Although it would appear that we’re still quite a few quantum leaps away from being able to visit neighboring star systems inread more

In 2019, a series of strange patents were filed by the United States Navy describing UFO-like technology and concepts.  When unveiled by The War Zone, they spurred a series of articles chronicling the publication’s attempts at uncovering what was behind these provocative filings. After obtaining reports on government-funded experiments conductedread more

In 1842, mathematician and physicist Samuel Earnshaw laid out a theorem that states that it’s impossible to project a magnetic field into empty space: any magnetic field found in nature will always be centered on the physical object that’s producing it. But a team of scientists set about theorizing how one could circumventread more

One of the witnesses to a series of UFO encounters involving the Nimitz Carrier Strike Group in 2004 has launched a new UFO research group that involves individuals from NASA, Silicon Valley and former military personnel. As a retired US Navy Chief Petty Officer and radar operator, Kevin Day wasread more