Those awful negative campaign ads: do they work? – Scientific evidence shows that negative campaign ads, costing MILLIONS of dollars, actually physically repulse potential voters. Are we going to get the leaders we so desperately need? Other research shows that when a group is without a leader, you can count on a narcissist to take charge.
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…or a Conservative – Are you a liberal who works in a conservative office–or vice-versa? You’re not going to put up any posters of your candidate, but there are OTHER ways that office spies can find out how you plan to vote!

It turns out that how you decorate your cubicle tells all: political conservatives have neat, organized offices, while liberals? offices are a colorful mess.

In, Jeanna Bryner quotes psychologist John Jost as saying, "Conservative rooms tended to be cleaner, more brightly lit, better organized, less cluttered, and also more conventional and ordinary in terms of decoration. Conservatives’ rooms were rated by independent raters as better organized and tidier in general."
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Most of us are getting a bit tired of the Presidential primaries leading up to the November election, but one thing we can’t figure out is: Who are these “superdelegates” that everyone keeps talking about? Another thing voters want to know: in the wake of the latest political sexual scandal, why do power and sexual shenanigans always seem to go together?
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The presidential primaries and the upcoming November election are more than good entertainment or heated politics?they’re also good for our brains.

Psychiatrist John D. Roache says, “As we listen to the candidates and think about what is being said, the brain processes the information, which grows neural connections and increases the neurochemical signaling that is associated with learning and memory. If we become emotionally engaged and even become politically active by going to a rally or actively campaigning for a candidate, then the greater levels of emotion or commitment further enhance the brain processes and connect them all the more with the emotion and physical activity involved.”

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