Time to Clean Up
If we can’t find a way to stop producing too many greenhouse gases, maybe the solution is to CLEAN them out of the air!
Researchers are figuring out how to removed CO2 from the air using technology that ALREADY exists.
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If we can’t find a way to stop producing too many greenhouse gases, maybe the solution is to CLEAN them out of the air!
Researchers are figuring out how to removed CO2 from the air using technology that ALREADY exists.
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There’s a real equator?the invisible line that divides the earth’s North from its South?but there’s also a “chemical equator” that divides the polluted air of the North from the relatively clear air of the South. But as the South becomes more industrialized, that pollution may creep south. It can also be blown by the wind, making it even harder to figure out where the pollution originates. But scientists have found a way to IDENTIFY the pollutors! They’ve also learned how to suck pollution out of old chemical landfills by planting trees.
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Kids! – You don’t have to be ajogger tosuffer from highway pollution. New evidence blamestraffic-related pollution for increasing the risk of allergyamong children by more than 50%, and the closer the childrenlive to roads, the higher their risk. And it?s not justwhere kids live, it’s where they go SCHOOL. Almost a thirdof US schools are inside an air pollution “danger zone”because they’re located near major highways.
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UPDATE: But watch out for gym germs too! – You’re exercising in order to be healthy, but it can be downright dangerous to run, walk or bicycle near city streets. The exhaust and smoke can damage your health, especially since you breathe deeply while working out.
Heart specialist Ronald Crystal says that air pollution is definitely a problem for those who work out in the city. The main culprits are ozone, fine particulate matter, and carbon monoxide, which irritate the lungs and respiratory system.
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