We need ethanol more than ever, even if it doesn’t reduce air pollution as much as scientists had hoped it would! It’s especially needed in China, where they are now trading their bicycles for cars at a fast pace. Since we do so much economic trading with China, can’t we influence them to adopt some pollution controls, before we all smother? Let’s sell them some of our CORN!
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A year ago we warned you that baby bottles are dangerous for boys. The trouble is, in the US, bottle feeding babies is big business. Now a new cancer study shows that early exposure to low doses of environmental estrogens?which means the type of plastic in baby bottles?during development of the prostate gland in the male fetus may result in a predisposition to prostate cancer later in life. Since prostate cancer is killing men in this country at a high rate?the way breast cancer used to kill women?this is a major finding.
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Years ago, we were warned not to jog next to heavily trafficked streets, since that would cause us to inhale a lot of dangerous fumes. We assumed that walking or riding a bicycle in an area filled with cars would cause people to inhale more pollution than they would if they were riding in one of the cars (or in a taxi or bus), but it turns out the OPPOSITE is true.
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Newswise – Los Angeles and other big American cities aren?t the only places with smog problems. On December 7, Iran declared a smog emergency because the air was so bad in Tehran. That?s the bad news?the good news is that researchers have discovered that natural chemical processes in the atmosphere may be removing smog and other damaging hydrocarbons at a faster rate than once believed.

On December 7, as a thick, brownish yellow haze settled on the city of Tehran (which has 10 million people), residents told not to go to work or school for two days. Police prevented cars without a special permit from entering large parts of the city.
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