One of the most confusing things about being pregnant is figuring out what to eat. And did you know there?s something you should eat if you WANT to get pregnant?

In New Scientist, Phil McKenna reports that women who want to get pregnant but are having trouble doing so may need to switch to a high fat diet, because fertility experts have found that a low fat dairy diet of skimmed milk and other low fat dairy foods) can prevent ovulation.

In another New Scientist article, Roxanne Khamsi reports that once you ARE pregnant, you should lay off the beef. Scientists are trying to solve the mystery of why so many men born in the last 30 years have low sperm count, and they think it may be because their pregnant mothers ate a lot of hormone-treated beef.
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One in every 100 babies in the U.S. was in a car crash before they were born. Car crashes are the leading cause of hospitalization during pregnancy, and can be dangerous for the fetus. In at least 1% of all births, women say they were in a car crash while pregnant. The pregnant women actually had better recoveries than those who weren’t pregnant, because they rushed to the hospital, but no one knows what effect the crashes had on their unborn babies.

We do know that women exposed to high levels of pollen in the last third of their pregnancies are much more likely to have asthmatic children. Scientists think that antibodies produced by the mother in response to pollen may cross into the fetus and make allergies more likely.
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