Author and researcher Preston Dennett is back to talk about his most recent book, Onboard UFO Encounters: True Accounts of Contact with Extraterrestrials. This powerful book is full of remarkable stories of deeply personal experiences with the UFO occupants. Preston speaks at length about this book as well as his more

Last week, we listened as Preston Dennett described his new book Onboard UFO Encounters. Two of the most extraordinary cases were those of Dolly and Lynette. So, this week Whitley interviews them both in this special 2 hour edition of Dreamland, and it is riveting, unforgettable stuff. Anybody who couldread more

Author and researcher Preston Dennett is here to talk about his most recent books, The Healing Power of UFOs  and Schoolyard UFO Encounters. Both these powerful book force the reader to consider the overall agenda of the UFO occupants. Something is playing out with an very specific purpose. Preston speaks at lengthread more

Master UFO researcher Preston Dennett returns to Dreamland with a shocking and amazing story of a strange underwater location that could be a UFO base off the coast of  Malibu in Southern California—and guess who lives right nearby? Whitley, of course.

It seems that the Striebers moved from a UFO hotbed in upstate New York to a UFO hotbed in Southern California. They just can’t seem to stay away!
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