The man who allegedly shot Representative Gabby Giffords is undoubtedly a psychopath–someone who is unable to put himself in another person’s shoes. Neurologists have found that people diagnosed as psychopathic have difficulty showing empathy, just like patients who have suffered frontal head injury of the type that affects football players. Does this mean we may find a way to "cure" these manmade monsters?
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The brains of psychopaths are wired to keep seeking a reward at any cost, which is why they do such awful things to the rest of us. And A person can reach a high level of spiritual development without being emotionally and psychologically mature, which may help explain some of the pedophile priests who are stalking parishes worldwide.

But psychopaths are operating in the financial world as well: While high-profile white collar crimes like Bernie Madoff’s $65 billion Ponzi scheme grab headlines, thousands of smaller crimes are being committed each day in offices across America.
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How do psychopaths (who are all around us) find their victims? A new study suggests they are deeply attuned to vulnerable people.
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When most of us hear the word psychopath, we think of a serial killer, but it turns out there are many more of them that we think. In fact, you probably know a few.

What is “psychopathy” anyway? Joseph Newman, who has spent his life studying prison inmates in Wisconsin, has devoted his career to answering that question. He says, “My main concern is that the label is applied too liberally and without sufficient understanding of the key elements. As a result, the term is often applied to ordinary criminals and sex offenders whose behavior may reflect primarily social factors or other emotional problems that are more amenable to treatment than psychopathy.”
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