The "interconnectedness of all things" is a notion embraced by the spiritual community and, more recently, by science in the field of quantum mechanics.

This area of research is still regarded as largely theoretical by the scientific community, however, unlike the "nuts and bolts" science that focuses on improving our medical and technological knowledge with solid, peer-reviewed studies.
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Have you ever regretted a missed opportunity to send a message to someone? Did you think that your life may well have been different if you had communicated certain things, and you would give anything to re-live that moment again?

According to scientists from Jesus College, Cambridge, U.K., you may get your chance to right the wrongs of the past – in the future.
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The subject of time travel has intrigued both scientists and science-fiction writers alike for centuries, but now scientists are suggesting that the concept is theoretically sound.

Back in September of this year, UK physicist, Professor Brian Cox, declared that time travel was certainly possible, but only to the future and not to the past.

"The central question is, can you build a time machine? The answer is yes, you can go into the future," the University of Manchester professor told the audience during a speech given at the British Science Festival. "You’ve got almost total freedom of movement in the future."
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Being constantly bombarded with bad news, it’s hard to remember that we live in a world of wonders, and science promises real miracles ahead. A visitor once said to a close encounter witness, ‘we rearrange atoms.’ This would be the most powerful scientific tool ever created, literally like magic. The ability to rearrange atoms would mean that we could design entirely new materials or change one thing into another, reconstructing our world to fit our needs in ways that are now beyond imagination. But the process is not so far beyond imagination. As this video from IBM demonstrates, it is becoming possible to manipulate single more