We may believe that our genetic programming is a permanent factor in our physical state of being, yet more and more research is proving that our genes can in fact be altered by complex interactions between genetics, our environment, diet and lifestyle.

Those are physical factors, but could genes really be influenced by mind power?
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Researchers at the Salk Institute have found a way to heal damaged hearts, though the new discovery refers to physical cardiac damage, not the emotional kind.

Scientists have managed to repair the injured hearts of living mice by reactivating long dormant molecular machinery found in the animals’ cells, a finding that could help pave the way to new therapies for heart disorders in humans.
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Our inner emotions are very powerful, and it is becoming more widely accepted by science that they can have profound and measurable physiological effects.

Stress is known to have negative effects on the body, but what about more positive emotions, such as happiness, joy and awe?
Can feeling deeply moving sentiments change our bodies, our minds, maybe even our souls?
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In recent years, researchers have been exploring methods of interacting with animals in an attempt to understand how they really feel about their lives.

Dr. Ian Duncan, emeritus chair in animal welfare at the University of Guelph, Canada, claims to have developed a system that allows him to ask questions of and receive answers from animals. Years of research using a variety of subjects, from livestock to domestic pets, has allowed him to develop the process, which he says is purely scientific.
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