We’ve discovered that major oil companies have fed us disinformation about global warming. One troubling government policy change is that drug companies are now testing their own drugs. While this saves taxpayer money, it does not promote objectivity. It also turns out they’re doing the same thing with food!
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Everyone who loves science, that includes the writers and readers of this web site, has been dismayed by the anti-scientific stance of the current administration?particularly since there is absolutely no reason that science and religion have to clash.

After criticizing researchers in academia, the Bush administration is now trying to control its own scientists?the ones who work at the US Geological Survey (USGS)?when their study results come up with conclusions that go against official government policies, by make new rules that require the screening of all facts and interpretations before the data is released to the public.
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Scientists around the world are concerned about creationism being taught in schools, instead of evolution. For them, this is all part of the trend towards junk science, which shapes facts to fit beliefs?at a time when, more than ever, we need REAL science to solve our major problems.

In the Independent, Sarah Cassidy quotes British Astronomer Royal Martin Rees, who has been interviewed on Dreamland, as saying he wants to “help those [teachers] who are attempting to uphold the rights of young people to have access to accurate scientific knowledge about the origins and evolution of life on Earth.”
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The March 19 issue of New Scientist Magazine reports on mysteries that continue to baffle scientists. These include cosmic rays, dark matter and the placebo effect. Will researchers find the solutions to these puzzles in 2006?

The placebo effect means that if you THINK you are taking an effective medication or treatment, it is often just as effective as taking the real thing?and with no side effects! Side effects are one of the biggest problems in medicine. This is obviously one way that shamans have traditionally healed, using methods?such as chanting or sand paintings?that modern physicians know cannot work (yet they often do).
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