The Pentagon, which once saw eye-to-eye with the White House, seems to be fighting them lately, when it comes to the Bush administration’s embrace of junk science. First they issued a report on the military dangers of global warming, despite the administration’s denials that this is a major problem and its inaction on measures to solve it. Now they’ve granted $240,000 to Swedish scientists for embryonic stem-cell research to help find a cure for Parkinson’s disease, in a study that could not be done here due to government limits on stem-cell research.
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In the latest issue of The Nation, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. writes: "The Bush Administration’s first instinct when it comes to science has been to suppress, discredit or alter facts it doesn’t like. Over the past two years the Administration has done this to a dozen major government studies on global warming, in its own efforts to stall action to controlindustrial emissions." And discoveries about global warming are by no means the only facts that have been distorted.
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Since 1991, Marc Abrahams has been giving out the Ig Nobel Prizes to the researchers who have conducted the most ridiculous scientific experiments during the year. The next awards will be given out on October 2nd at MIT. Recently, he awarded a prize to a study about why teenagers pick their noses.
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