[The body of this article wound up going missing at some point, leaving the posting empty. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. ~Matt] Microbiologists have discovered what is now known as the world’s largest bacterium, a single-celled organism large enough to be seen with the naked eye,read more

It might sound like a concept straight out of a sci-fi horror film, but for the last two decades California-based biotech company Koniku has been developing a computer powered by what is essentially a brain-in-a-jar: a computer module that uses synthetic neurons that harness the processing power of biological brainread more

The Chinese government denied a World Health Organization proposal for the second phase of an investigation into the origins of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus that is responsible for the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic. This new phase would involve audits of laboratories and markets in the city of Wuhan, with the possibility ofread more

The new technologies used to rapidly create the highly-effective vaccines now being used to combat the coronavirus responsible for the COVDI-19 pandemic could also create medicines that could be used to fight other immune system-related illnesses, such as influenza, malaria and even cancer. In fact, the mRNA techniques used toread more