A middle-aged woman was admitted to an emergency room with amnesia, unable to remember anything about the past 24 hours EXCEPT having had sex with her husband an hour earlier. Does this mean the sex was very good–or very bad? Probably neither–what’s called "transient global amnesia" is a rare condition in which memory suddenly (and temporarily) disappears.
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After a drink or two, having sex is a natural inclination. Will the lack of gravity be a problem? (It could lead to some interesting "positions"). A trip to even one of our closest stars would take decades and possibly even hundreds of years, spanning multiple generations.

But scientists aren’t sure humans can procreate safely in the microgravity of space. So far, humans haven’t managed to send a probe beyond even our own solar system, let alone to the nearest star more than 4 light-years away. A light-year, the distance light travels in a single year, is about 6 trillion miles.
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This is something that all single men yearn to know, as they practice the "lines" they’ll use when they meet a new woman. But it turns out that it’s not so much what you SAY that matters, but your tone of voice when you say it (and there’s not much you can do about that).

Women are turned on by low male voices. In the same way that bright plumage attracts female birds, because it denotes a healthy bird, a deep voice may instinctively attract women, because it denotes healthy masculinity (with lots of testosterone).
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