In this stunner of an interview, Whitley brings his own knowledge of the Shroud of Turin to a conversation with a true expert, Dr. Andrew Silverman. The result is one of the deepest, most inspiring and just plain amazing editions of Dreamland ever published. Despite the relentless debunking, the evidenceread more

An unnoticed infestation of moths in Turin Cathedral has reduced the Shroud of Turin to dust.
Head Conservator Monsignor Guido Sarducci of the Shroud of Turin Research Council believes that the dust
particles can be reassembled, which will return the shroud to a visible state, minus the areas of
linen that were actually consumed by the moths. “It will be exacting work, taking perhaps two hundred
years,” he said when questioned about the feasibility of such a project by the Roman newspaper
Scherzo Quotidiano. “Dust particle by dust particle, we will restore it,” he claimed.

In 2015, a final set of tests proved that the traditional route of the shroud from Palestine to Turkey, thenread more

It has been generally accepted in many areas of the scientific community that the Shroud of Turin was created in Italy and is of European origin, but new DNA evidence shows that it was in areas that the historical record has always suggested.

The Shroud has recently had samples of particles taken from the artifact undergo DNA testing, to determine what peoples and plants were represented by the debris that have been deposited on it over the centuries.

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