New research measured secondhand tobacco smoke in cars and found pollution levels that are hazardous to children?and to you. Two years ago, we reported that, contrary to popular opinion, smoking can MAKE you fat. Now it’s been discovered that People who are both very obese and who smoke increase their risk of death by 3.5 to 5 times. We also know that second hand smoke kills?and that includes the smoke inside the automobiles of people who smoke.
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Big tobacco companies are reeling under a recent $200 billion class action lawsuit which says that they falsely advertised “light” cigarettes as safe, even though they were no safer than other brands. Most smokers are now desperately trying to quit. Menthol and non-menthol cigarettes appear to be equally harmful, but scientists have discovered that if you smoke menthol cigarettes, it’s even harder to stop smoking, so your first step might be to switch brands.
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If Art Bell can do it, ANYBODY can. What’s that? Why, you can STOP SMOKING, of course. How? Scientists say there’s only one way: go cold turkey.

Robin Lloyd writes in that a sudden decision to quit is two to three times more effective than planning ahead and cutting down gradually, despite the fact that, as researcher Robin West says, “It very much goes against conventional wisdom in the field.”

And switching to “low tar” cigarettes is a complete waste of time.

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We’ve recently posted articles about how smoking makes you fat (contrary to popular belief). No one should smoke (and that means YOU), but if you do, start eating cruciferous vegetables: cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, turnips, collards, Brussels sprouts, radish, turnip and watercress. They may protect you from lung cancer?IF you have the right genes.
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