Have you ever regretted a missed opportunity to send a message to someone? Did you think that your life may well have been different if you had communicated certain things, and you would give anything to re-live that moment again?

According to scientists from Jesus College, Cambridge, U.K., you may get your chance to right the wrongs of the past – in the future.
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Information regarding a new "Twin Earth" could be revealed at a press conference hosted by NASA at 11 a.m. PDT (2 p.m. EDT) Thursday, April 17.

The Kepler Space Telescope has made another important new discovery, details of which will be published in the journal Science, though publication is being delayed until after the press release.
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As Man probes ever deeper into the mysteries of the Universe, his search seems to yield more questions than answers. Some of the most mysterious phenomena discovered in space are dark matter and dark energy.

Approximately 80 per cent of the mass in known Universe is made up of "dark matter," a strange and intangible substance that yet scientists have not been able to identify or observe directly. Dark matter is not visible to the naked eye, and does not emit light or energy.

So how do we know it even exists?
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Astronomers are warning us that asteroid 2014 DX110 is on target to hurtle between the Earth and the Moon on Wednesday, passing close to our planet at a distance of just 217,000 miles (350,000km).

At 98ft (30m), 2014 DX110 is a relatively large object belonging to the Apollo class asteroid group, a class of Earth-crossing objects that pose a potential threat of impact. Scientists are currently aware of 240 Apollo asteroids, but it is thought that there could be at least 2000 Earth-crossers with diameters of 1 km or larger. If one of these giants hit Earth, it could carve out a crater about 10-20 times its own size.
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