The quest to confirm the existence of liquids on Mars has been ongoing for decades; it was known to host water billions of years ago and water is has been found to exist there in the form of ice, but the latest images from NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) indicate that water may not only be present, but running down the Martian hills.

Newly released photographs from a variety of different locations across the southern latitudes of the Red Planet show dark streaks, known as ”recurring slope lineae” or RSL, that appear to course down inclines in the same manner as flowing liquid.
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A team of scientists from Washington believe that they have managed to establish the exact size of the universe to within 1 per cent accuracy.

In a remarkable development, the researchers, who were working with the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS), have been able to measure the distances to galaxies that are over 6 billion light years away.

"There are not many things in our daily lives that we know to 1-percent accuracy," said David Schlegel, a physicist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and the principal investigator of BOSS. "I now know the size of the universe better than I know the size of my house."
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Scientists now confirm that there is a high probability that the universe harbours an abundance of habitable planets.

NASA’s Kepler telescope has provided information to indicate that one in every five sun-like stars is orbited by planets comparable to Earth. In broad terms, this means that there could be billions of planets capable of supporting life in our Milky Way galaxy alone. The findings were published recently in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences and aired at a special news conference in California.
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