Ladies: If you want to celebrate Mother’s Day next year, find a symmetrical man. If your boyfriend has different sized feet or one ear larger than the other, his sperm isn’t as strong as that of a symmetrical guy.

Scientists who measured almost everything on the male body that is paired found a link between sperm quality and bilateral symmetry. The greater the difference between one side of the body and the other, the poorer a man’s sperm quality will be. This happens to male fetuses while they’re still in the womb, because the skeletal parts of the body develop at about the same time as the sexual parts. If something goes wrong with the mother, it will affect both areas of her fetus’ development?meaning body symmetry is one way to spot good sexual functioning.
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Scientists believe they can create both eggs and sperm from either male or female stem cells. It’s worked with mice and Japanese scientists think it will work for humans too. This would mean that, for the first time, a male couple could have biological children.

However, the most obvious use would be to help infertile heterosexual couples to produce children using in-vitro fertilization. Even couples where the woman can’t produce viable eggs and the man can’t produce sperm would be able to have children.
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Sperm may smell their way to the egg, and they like some smells better than others. One of their favorites is lily of the valley. Researchers have identified an odor receptor in sperm?the same kind found in the nerve cells of the nose. When they find a smell they like, they swim strongly towards it, so the sperm that’s the best smeller will be the one to fertilize the egg. For artificial insemination, doctors could use scent to separate out the stronger sperm and thus have a better chance of conception. Dr. Allan Pacey says, “What it illustrates is that the process of sperm transport to the egg is not just about sperm swimming around until they find an egg.?
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Bike riding over rough terrain may result in fewer Daddies. It can reduce male fertility due to the jolts and vibration, which may cause small scars within the scrotum and impaired sperm production. These abnormalities were found in professional mountain bikers who biked an average of more than two hours a day, six days a week, in Austria.
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