One of the founders of the Breakthrough Listen Project, Yuri Milner, has announced that they will be investigating the Solar System’s first recorded interstellar visitor, the asteroid ‘Oumuamua, for any potential artificial signals originating from the object. Although Milner admits that it’s unlikely that their investigation will find anything, ‘Oumuamua’s characteristics are strange enough to warrant a look.
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In a recent interview with Russian News Service TASS, cosmonaut Anton Shkaplerov discussed the presence of microbes that were found on the outside of the hull of the International Space Station, that were not present after the launch of the ISS’s modules. According to Shkaplerov, "it turns out that somehow these swabs reveal bacteria that were absent during the launch of the ISS module."

"That is, they have come from outer space and settled along the external surface."
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A Canadian physics professor claims that he has uncovered evidence of communication from 234 extraterrestrial civilizations, in the form of signals that are encoded in the emanations of stars much like our own Sun.

In analyzing the composition of the light spectra of 2.5 million stars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, optical physics professor Ermanno Borra, of Université Laval in Quebec, found patterns in the form of 1.65 picoseconds pulses (just a little more than a trillionth of a second) that existed in the light of 234 Sun-like stars. Borra posits that only extremely powerful lasers can produce such a rapid pattern, meaning that the signals must be artificial in origin.
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Ever since a massive subsurface ocean was discovered under the ice on Saturn’s moon Enceladus, scientists have sought to uncover the reason behind the existence of liquid water on a world that should be frozen solid. However, a new study not only illustrates what may be the mechanism behind the presence of Enceladus’ liquid water, but also that the process has been going on for billions of years — more than long enough for life to gain a foothold there.
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