Recent research has revealed that Vitamin D-deficient individuals are twice as likely to be diagnosed with schizophrenia as people who have sufficient levels of the vitamin, according to a new study published in the Endocrine Society’s Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism (JCEM).

Schizophrenia is a mental illness with symptoms that can include delusions and hallucinations. Since schizophrenia is more prevalent in high latitudes and cold climates, researchers have theorized vitamin D may be connected to the disorder.
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In the early hours of Tuesday, August 20, a comet estimated to be only sixty to a hundred feet across dove into the sun, causing a huge solar explosion.

Just before the comet hit, a coronal mass ejection exploded off the sun’s surface. While there is no known reason that there would be a connection between a CME and the impact of a tiny comet, this has been observed before. The CME was emitted from the opposite side of the sun that was struck by the comet, and appears to have begun before the comet struck.
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In the year 775 AD, the sun didn’t just emit a large flare, it emitted something close to a superflare, and scientists who have been studying this mysterious and extremely dangerous phenomenon now believe that they understand what caused it, and the news is disturbing. In 775, auroras appeared in Europe after sunset that were recorded as ‘the sky catching fire.’ Strange phenomena were described such as serpents ‘as if they were sprng out of the ground,’ an apparent reference to plasma discharges taking place at ground level due to extreme amounts of electromagnetic energy being poured into the atmosphere.
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The sun’s magnetic field flips every 11 years, and it’s about to do it again. As reported on it last flipped on February 15, 2001, as the previous solar max reached its height. The complete field reversal is 3 to 4 months away. The shift will mark the midpoint of Solar Max 24, which has been one of the quietest on record. However, quiet solar maximums tend to produce fewer but more intense solar storms, as happened a few weeks ago when a huge coronal mass ejection was sent into more