The Master of the Key mentioned that the collapse of an ice dam in the Laurentian sea and subsequent cooling due to winds blowing from the arctic led to the last superstorm. Meteorologists says that there’s a link between the unusually cold winter in the UK and the "superstorm" in New York this year and melting sea ice in the Arctic, and warn that–no matter how much we’d like to deny it–this type of weather may become normal in the more

When Whitley and Art Bell wrote “The Coming Global Superstorm” in 1999, based in part on information that Whitley received from the Master of the Key, (which went on to become the hit film The Day After Tomorrow), meteorologists scoffed at the idea that global warming could lead to massive storms, but now the authors have been vindicated.
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Not all films are about vampires: In the film The Day After Tomorrow, made from the book “The Coming Global Superstorm, Whitley postulates the idea that climate change could lead to a gigantic superstorm. It turns out this is ALREADY happening on an Earth-like planet orbiting a distant star.

Unlike the Earth, this planet has a hot side, which is always facing its sun, and a cool side, which is always facing away, and CO2 from the hot side is drawn to the cool side at high speed, setting up huge storms.

In BBC News, Paul Rincon quotes researcher Simon Albrecht as saying, “On Earth, big temperature differences inevitably lead to fierce winds, and as our new measurements reveal, the situation is no different on [this planet].”
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At the end of the Pleistocene about 13,000 years ago, a two thousand year period known as the Younger Dryas plunged the world back into the deep freeze that it had known for the hundred thousand years of the great ice age. It was previously thought that it took over a thousand years for the Younger Dryas to develop, but now scientists have discovered that the change was virtually instantaneous, and took place in less than a single year?in other words, it was the result of a Superstorm. Whitley Strieber writes about this in his dynamic new Journal. The catastrophe overwhelmed Europe with a suddenness that would cause hundreds of millions of deaths if it happened again, and essentially destroy the western more