TheThanksgiving holiday is a time to reflect upon all of the good things in our lives, and to give thanks for them. Some would argue, however, that our world would be a much better place if ‘thanksgiving’ became a daily practice rather than a once yearly pursuit, and it appears that science has now found proof to substantiate this viewpoint.

Recent studies indicate that experiencing genuine gratitude can have an extremely positive effect on every aspect of our lives, from our health and well being to our relationships and careers. Robert A. Emmons, Ph.D., at the University of California at Davis has been researching the effects of gratitude for some time and has conducted numerous studies on the subject.
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Ever go into a large restaurant or department store and see an "employee of the month" poster behind the cash register, complete with a photo of the worker? While this may seem kind of silly to a customer, since there is no cash bonus attached to this (only stockbrokers seem to get that), it turns out to be a major motivating tool for the business–something that costs them nothing but greatly increases worker productivity.
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