Hollywood stuntman Reuben Langdon hosts a remarkable television series titled Interview With E.D. (and that stands for Extra Dimensionals). This has been one of the most popular shows on Gaia TV, and is continuing for a second season. Reuben conducts in depth interviews with people who tell of having a psychic contactread more

Author and therapist Peter Smith talks about the pioneering work of Michael Newton PhD and his exploration of life between lives. In his work, Peter takes the client to a deep state of hypnosis, and they access an eternal realm where soul goes after a death and before being rebornread more

Gordon White is an author, blogger, podcaster, and practicing occult magician. He runs an amazing site called Rune Soup — and his audio interviews are wonderful.  His 2016 book STAR.SHIPS looks at the idea of “ancient aliens” in an entirely new way—there’s no need to imagine metal space ships landing inread more

Denise Stoner is a researcher, author and experiencer. She had a remarkable contact experience in Colorado in 1982 which was thoroughly researched and is featured in The Alien Abduction Files: The Most Startling Cases of Human-Alien Contact Ever Reported, from 2013. She was also involved with the more recent book from lastread more