The subject of time travel has intrigued both scientists and science-fiction writers alike for centuries, but now scientists are suggesting that the concept is theoretically sound.

Back in September of this year, UK physicist, Professor Brian Cox, declared that time travel was certainly possible, but only to the future and not to the past.

"The central question is, can you build a time machine? The answer is yes, you can go into the future," the University of Manchester professor told the audience during a speech given at the British Science Festival. "You’ve got almost total freedom of movement in the future."
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This stunner begins with Whitley Strieber telling the story of a movement through time that happened to him in New York City in 1983. He found himself suddenly in the city as it must have been a hundred years before. It turns out that the experience unfolded within a short distance of one of Nicola Tesla’s labs, where he might well have been engaged in experiments involving time travel.
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Whitley Strieber has had a couple of spectacular time travel experiences, and here he asks Marie D. Jones what they may mean and how they might happen. He has also had ‘time slips’ and he brings these to Marie. There is also an incredible discussion of the fact that scientists have recently discovered that wormholes might actually be opened, especially into parallel universes.
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One of the main dogmas of physics is that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light, but at the CERN collider, some subatomic particles seem to have exceeded this speed, breaking all known laws of physics. Neutrinos sent through the ground from CERN toward a laboratory hundreds of miles away seemed to show up a tiny fraction of a second early.

In BBC News, Jason Palmer quotes researcher Antonio Ereditato as saying, "We tried to find all possible explanations for this. We wanted to find a mistake–trivial mistakes, more complicated mistakes, or nasty effects–and we didn’t. When you don’t find anything, then you say ‘Well, now I’m forced to go out and ask the community to scrutinize this.’"
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