Time to Leap Forward
On March 9, we all have to remember to set our clocks AHEAD one hour, but our biological clocks may take longer to adjust. And this year was leap year, with a 29th of February. Why do we need leap year anyway?
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On March 9, we all have to remember to set our clocks AHEAD one hour, but our biological clocks may take longer to adjust. And this year was leap year, with a 29th of February. Why do we need leap year anyway?
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When we?re in danger, time seems to slow down. This may bean evolutionaryadaptation that gives us an opportunity to make the rightmoves to save ourselves. But it doesn?t always work?forinstance, scary movies and amusement park rides aren?tenough to produce a sense of time slowing down. So whatcauses it?
Since riding a roller coaster isn?t scary enough to producethe illusion, scientists tried frightening volunteers bydropping them from great heights backwards, with no ropesattached, into a net that helped break their fall. InLiveScience.com, Charles Q. Choi quotes researcher DavidEagleman as saying, “I knew it was perfectly safe, and Ialso knew that it would be the perfect way to make peoplefeel as though an event took much longer than it actually did.”
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