Researchers with the University of Tokyo may have directly witnessed the quantum reaction that results from the exposure of biological tissue to a magnetic field, a mechanism hypothesized to be behind the magneto-receptive sense that can guide birds on their long migratory routes. Although it has been long established that certain speciesread more

In 1842, mathematician and physicist Samuel Earnshaw laid out a theorem that states that it’s impossible to project a magnetic field into empty space: any magnetic field found in nature will always be centered on the physical object that’s producing it. But a team of scientists set about theorizing how one could circumventread more

We’re all familiar with the concept of parallel realities: universes much like our own, but impossibly out of reach when it comes to communicating with them—or at least so it would seem. A series of experiments has been scheduled to be run this summer to see if a mere handfulread more

Quantum researchers have managed to simulate the reversal of time at the quantum scale, using IBM’s quantum computers. Although the effect is simulated, the implication of this experiment is that the arrow of time doesn’t necessarily have to flow in one direction, but can be reversed, allowing what once wasread more