Mysterious electrical fires and magnetic effects caused so much concern in Sicily in 2004 that the Italian government initiated an investigation which concluded in 2007 that an unknown magnetic effect had caused them. Now, strangeness has returned to Sicily, but this time it seems that digital clocks in Catania keep jumping ahead (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show), to the point that residents have had to turn to old-fashioned wind-up timepieces to be sure of getting the correct time.
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We’re just starting to understand WHAT black holes are and HOW they are created. Scientists now suspect that at the end of this process of creation, time becomes "bent," meaning it actually STOPS. The future of time travel may hinge on understanding this (NOTE: Subscribers can still listen to this show). In, Clara Moskowitz quotes mathematician Juan Antonio Valiente Kroon as saying, "It is really beyond the physics we know. To understand what happens inside a black hole, we need to invent new more

It really could happen – According to a new model of the universe, there is a 50% chance that time will end within the next 3.7 billion years. The universe was created by the Big Bang around 13 billion years ago and has been expanding ever since, a there is evidence that this expansion is accelerating.
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It hits teenagers especially hard – Is something unseen threatening our safety? Since Daylight Savings time starts on Sunday, March 14, we’d better figure out how to protect ourselves.

Daylight Saving Time can be hazardous for your health. On average, people go to work or school on the first Monday of Daylight Saving after sleeping 40 fewer minutes than normal. And recent studies have found there’s a higher risk of heart attacks, traffic accidents and workplace injuries on the first Monday of Daylight Saving. Researcher Nidhi Undevia says, “Many people already are chronically sleep-deprived, and Daylight Saving Time can make them even more tired for a few days.”
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