Earthquake and the tsunamis they cause are not only devasting to the countries hit. Since we now have a global economy, they can affect the rest of the world monetarily as well. Earthquake expert Thomas D. O’Rourke says, "The massive 8.9 earthquake that hit Japan will have a major INTERNATIONAL impact. Tsunamis have caused massive damage in Japan and will affect many countries along the Pacific Ocean, INCLUDING the US. This earthquake follows a devastating earthquake in New Zealand on Feb. 22, which resulted in direct economic losses in that country equal to 15% of its gross domestic product. If the most recent earthquake and tsunami cause only a fraction of this type of loss for Japan, there will be a global economic fallout."
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Despite the frantic efforts of nuclear engineers, there has been a second explosion in the Fukujima Nuclear Power Station as an explosion has taken place in the third of the six reactors in the system. It is not yet known exactly what caused the explosion or what sort of radiation release, if any, is involved. While some of the radioactive fuel rods in the cores of the reactors have been damaged, there is as yet no evidence of a core meltdown with its consequent massive radiation release. So far, there radiation danger is not high except within the immediate area of the reactor station.
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An asteroid impact two thousand years ago may have sent gigantic waves deluging what is now New York City. Most tsunamis are caused by underwater earthquakes and volcanoes, but the causes of 10% of them are unknown, and asteroids are thought to be one of these causes. For instance, scientists have found evidence that the Chicxulub impact in Mexico may have ended the age of the dinosaurs by drowning them all with gigantic waves. They may have wiped out the local Indians as well. In, Charles Q. Choi quotes geologist Dallas Abbott as saying, "Our models suggest the tsunamis were up to 66 feet high when they entered the Hudson more

Here’s more evidence of global warming that nobody else is talking about. Tides from Maine to Florida have been mysteriously higher than normal this summer, with some as much as two feet above normal. This has mystified scientists, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is studying the phenomenon.
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