This object was taped in Switzerland the week of July 20th. It is impossible to tell whether or not it’s authentic, but as barrel-shaped UFOs are uncommon, it doesn’t seem likely that this form would be chosen by a hoaxer. It is moving very slowly and therefore could be aread more

Senate Intelligence Chairman Marco Rubio has tabled a bill that calls for the Director of National Intelligence to produce an unclassified report on what information the U.S. military has gathered regarding UFOs, or what the bill refers to as “Advanced Aerial Threats.” The bill also specifically calls for the reportread more

This week famed UFO investigator and New York Times reporter Leslie Kean arrives for a wide-ranging discussion about everything from her amazing book about the afterlife to the May 15  New York Times article on US Navy UFO encounters over the Atlantic. Having been friends for of 20 years, Whitleyread more

In this shocking and powerful edition of Dreamland, exogenetics expert Bruce Fenton deals what in our DNA leads him to believe that we have been genetically altered in the past, almost certainly by advanced races for unknown reasons. Then his wife Daniella tells us of her own life in closeread more