Preston Dennett returns with stories of crashing into UFOs–not just in planes, but in cars, levitation (including his own), out of body experiences…and that’s just scratching the surface of this amazing high adventure of a show! We live in a mysterious and wonderful world, so get set to be levitatedread more

Federal agents executed a “no-knock” warrant on the properties of the operator of a popular Area 51 website,, on November 3, causing extensive damage to his personal property and seizing his computer and recording equipment. The site’s owner, Joerg Arnu, reports that although he was told that the raidread more

Aside from NASA’s solar-powered Ingenuity aircraft, should there be anything flying around the skies of Mars? One of the navigation cameras on board the Mars Curiosity Rover has photographed what appears to be an airborne object streaking past the rover. Taken by Curiosity’s Right Navigation Camera on Sol 3613 (October 5, 2022 for us Earth-lubbers) in the Red Planet’s Galeread more

  Astronomers in Ukraine have discovered an undeniable presence of ‘unidentified aerial phenomena’ in addition to the Russian warplanes criss-crossing the besieged nation’s skies.  This is apparently a common occurrence in the airspace over Ukraine’s Capital city Kyiv—although the UAP often move too quickly to be captured on normal filmread more