This is part one of the two-part show, and it is deep. Host Jeremy Vaeni, his long-time former broadcast partner (and soon-to-be author) Jeff Ritzmann, and returning guest “Marie” talk about their experiences in ways rarely heard on podcasts like these. Prepare to think differently. This is the last scheduledread more

Jimmy Church, host of Fade To Black, joins Whitley in an about face: Whitley does the interviewing, Jimmy does the talking! Last week, thanks to Jimmy and John Greenewald of the Black Vault, the US Navy announced that the videos released through To The Stars in late 2017 and carriedread more

Longtime UFO investigator Dan Wright joins us to discuss his new book, The CIA UFO Papers–and proceeds to start off with two of the most spectacular PERSONAL UFO encounters ever talked about on this show! Whitley asks him why he first got interested in UFOs (He’s been in MUFON sinceread more

A routine x-ray found an anomalous bit of something metallic, about the size of a fingernail, in the leg of Terry Lovelace. This discovery gave rise to horrific nightmares, spontaneous recall and intrusive thoughts—all surrounding a 1977 camping trip to Devils Den State Park in Northern Arkansas. Because of his standingread more