An anonymous source says that the United Kingdom’s Ministry of Defense could reopen its UFO Reporting Desk, depending on the outcome of the Pentagon’s upcoming report regarding UAPs, due at the end of the month. More commonly known as the “UFO desk”, Secretariat (Air Staff) Sec (AS) 2a was disbandedread more

Radar footage from the USS Omaha’s July 15, 2019 UFO encounter has been released, verifying a video that was released in mid-May of a spherical object that entered the water near the ship. The Omaha’s 2019 encounter was part of a four-night series of events involving visual and electro-optical sightings made by the crews of numerousread more

The Office of the Inspector General for the Department of Defense has announced that it is conducting an evaluation regarding “the extent to which the DoD has taken actions regarding Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP),” singling out numerous different military and intelligence entities that will be the focus of this more