In a presentation delivered to a meeting held by the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence Institute last spring, a scientist from NASA put forward the notion that the idea that extraterrestrials may already be visiting Earth isn’t such a crazy one, and that SETI might invest some resources into studying high-quality UFO reports for signs of non-human intelligences — signs that might indicate that the subject of their search might be closer to home than they think.
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Ben Moss is Chief Field Investigator for MUFON, in Virginia. He’s been researching UFOs for over 20 years and is unimpressed with the evidence that aliens are behind ufological phenomena, Now, he’s taking a fresh look at the classic Socorro UFO event, known as Project Blue Book’s best unsolved case. Let’s see what he’s found–and then let’s see where else this conversation takes us!

The Defense Intelligence Agency has prepared a report for the House Armed Services Committee regarding the findings of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), the secret UFO program run by the Pentagon between 2007 and 2012. News of the report was included in the April edition of The Congressional Record, although the details regarding the contents of the letter are unknown. Additionally, UFO investigator Nick Pope reports that the Senate Armed Services Committee is currently investigating the 2004 encounter between the Nimitz Carrier Strike Group and a fast-moving UFO.
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Host Jeremy Vaeni invites ufological reporter Jack Brewer onto what was going to be a solo episode, to unpack his new hypothesis that ufology was redesigned in the 1990s, by a more