Paul Dean’s Experience of UFO Document Research–What Has He Found??
As Strange as Anything in The X-Files: Final Three Secret UFO Files Released by the UK’s MoD
The UK’s Ministry of Defence has declassified the remaining three documents in a series of files regarding UFOs, releasing them to the UK’s National Archives after a series of delays that lasted half a decade. The files, consisting of 2,500 pages formerly classified as "SECRET", paint a picture of government officials tasked with uncovering the secrets behind the advanced technologies powering UFOs — fearing that the Soviet Union and China could unlock those secrets first.
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The Case for Aliens that aren’t so ‘Alien’
When speculating on what the future might look like in his 1927 book "Possible Worlds and Other Papers", geneticist and evolutionary biologist J. B. more
Documenting the “Supersonic Tic Tac”: an Official Report on Carrier Strike Group 11’s UFO Encounters
Investigative journalist George Knapp has released a 13-page unclassified document detailing a series of UFO encounters that occurred between at least one unidentified craft and the USS Nimitz Carrier Strike Group in late 2004. This newly-revealed document adds a rich amount of detail to an encounter that was originally brought to light by the release of gun-camera footage of the encounter by the To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science, and subsequent interviews with one of the pilots responsible for intercepting one of the UFOs. The report also includes statements from the pilots and technicians involved in the sightings and intercepts.
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