On Friday this website published a story about mysterious booms in Pennsylvania  that was he only story on the subject in the world that discussed the long history of such events and correctly identified them as being caused by rapid descent from above. At the same time, new data appeared regarding the UFO that was observed on Navy radar and reported in the New York Times last December. This data mentions that the object was seen to descend in a few seconds from thousands of feet in altitude to fifty feet above the ocean. This rapid descent would have created a sonic boom that went directly down, just as we theorized in our story. It was also said that the object was observed to become invisible to the human eye.
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Last December’s revelation that the Department of Defense funded an in-house investigation into the UFO phenomenon continues to hold the interest of representatives in Washington, with yet another lawmaker saying that a congressional investigation should be conducted to determine the nature of the exotic, unexplained objects that continue to be spotted by professional observers. This new call for an investigation came from Ami Bera (Democrat, California), and was seconded by both Randy Hultgren (Republican, Illinois) and Mary Lynne Dittmar.
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Audio recordings detailing a recent UFO incident involving commercial airliners have been obtained by The Warzone from the Federal Aviation Administration. The sighting took place over New Mexico on February 24, 2018, and involved the crews of at least two aircraft, belonging to American Airlines and Phoenix Air, with at least one crewmember on each aircraft describing the object as "a UFO".
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New information regarding a UFO incident that occurred over California and Oregon on October 25th of last year has been released through a Freedom of Information Act request, painting a picture of a highly-maneuverable, high speed craft that could be invisible to radar that was tracked by air traffic control and airliner pilots, that ultimately resulted in the scramble of USAF fighter jets tasked with intercepting the intruder. The incident left officials with the FAA scratching their heads as to what the craft was, where it went–and even on how to go about investigating such an incident.
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