Leading UFO researcher and reporter Leslie Kean reports that Chilean authorities have released a remarkable, 9-minute video of an apparent UFO, recorded by two officers aboard a Chilean Navy helicopter. This video is being released after a 2-year investigation by the Comité de Estudios de Fenómenos Aéreos Anómalos (CEFAA), the Chilean government’s UFO investigative agency, and the Dirección General de Aeronáutica Civil (DGAC), Chile’s equivalent to the FAA. Despite having been thoroughly investigated by these agencies, their experts were unable to provide an explanation as to what the object in question is.
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While on approach to Toronto’s Billy Bishop Airport in the early morning of November 14, the crew of a Porter Airlines Dash 8-400 turboprop encountered an unknown object that required them to perform evasive maneuvers to avoid colliding with it. At first assumed to be a balloon, the encounter was later blamed on a rogue UAV. However, as details of the incident are uncovered, it seems less likely that the strange object was a conventional aircraft.
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It’s no secret that Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and her campaign chairman John Podesta have a keen interest in the subject of unidentified flying objects — both have publicly discussed this interest, and their intention to instigate disclosure of any material that they’re able to obtain. Correspondence found in the recent Wikileaks release of Clinton’s hacked emails reinforce their views, showing Podesta discussed UFOs with late Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell, as well as other individuals that may have had insider information on the subject.read more

On July 15, 39-year old presenter on the UFO conspiracy circuit Max Spiers was found dead on the sofa of an apartment that he was staying at in Poland. His body has since been returned to his hometown in Canterbury, England, after Polish authorities determined that he had died from "natural causes." However, his mother has recently revealed a number of clues that cast doubt on the official cause of his’ death — clues that suggest he was murdered, possibly by practitioners of black magic.

An up-and-coming speaker on the conspiracy convention circuit, Spiers was in Warsaw, Poland, to speak at the New Earth Conference being held there, presumably regarding his alleged experiences in a government-run super soldier program, and his views on related conspiracies.read more