The discovery of King Tutankhamun’s undisturbed tomb in 1922 revealed a literal treasure trove of archaeological items that offered Egyptologists a rare view into the death of a pharaoh; this came in contrast to the bare tombs of many other members of Egyptian royalty, looted in the millennia since their burial. One of the artifacts found amongst the boy-king’s possessions was a metal dagger, included for his use in the afterlife, that appears to be of extraterrestrial origin.
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Steve Bassett, executive director of the Paradigm Research Group, says that he thinks that President Barack Obama will disclose what the United States government knows about the UFO phenomenon by the end of 2016.

Bassett, speaking in an interview with the Express newspaper in the U.K., appears to be basing this on the media coverage surrounding Hillary Clinton’s interest in investigating what the government knows about the phenomenon, and that Obama may want to get the jump on Clinton to become the "disclosure president". The Paradigm Research Group is the only registered lobby group with the U.S. government that is pushing for disclosure on UFOs, and Bassett feels that their efforts are about to bear fruit.
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Sometimes, if you’re not getting an answer to a question that you’re asking, perhaps it can help to change the question itself? This turns out to be a new approach to the Drake equation being made by two astronomers at the University of Rochester and University of Washington, to address a shortcoming in astronomy’s famous equation that has made it impossible to draw any firm conclusions from it.
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