In this powerful half hour, Whitley Strieber ends 2012 by going down a list of all the secrets the government keeps, from UFOs to JFK to 911. And remember Flight 800? Whitley does and he is still asking questions.

This talk is mind opening, often shocking and, when you realize just how much is being kept from us, deeply infuriating. But it does not need to stay this way. Whitley makes the point that we are essentially supporting a vast secret society that is the United States government, and that we cannot be free until we know the truths that are being hidden from us.
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It sounded like a joke at first, but was it? After an interview, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said that aliens are here. He has previously spoken about top secret files on aliens that may have landed in Russia.

The Huffington Post reports that "in footage recorded Friday after a television interview, the former president joked that each Russian leader gets two folders with information about extraterrestrials that have visited our planet, and stayed here."

Unseen on camera footage, he is heard telling a TV journalist that he could not tell "how many of them are among us, because it may cause panic."
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TV Station KDVR in Denver was given a video of a UFO by a local resident, who told them that he was taking the images on a regular basis in the area. The station sent its own cameraman to the location and was also able to record the object.
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Neighboring rivals China and India, who are having border disputes ranging from the exile of the Dalai Lama from Tibet to India to trade deficits, are now being swarmed by UFOs–all along that contentious border. Over 100 UFOs have been seen there recently.
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