Richard Dolan is among the most highly respected UFO researchers of all time, and here he predicts that we’re reaching a tipping point after which the average person is going to know that UFOs represent some sort of unknown intelligent presence in our world. Then he goes on to tell us just how this will change our lives and our world, causing a profound disconnect between the population and the established media, military, scientific and governmental authorities.
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Astronauts have seen UFOs on the moon, and astronomers have noticed unusual features about objects passing between the earth and the moon, features which have never been made public.

Astronaut Edgar Mitchell, who is now 80, feels that an alien presence may be here, but that it is being held secret for religious and perhaps military reasons. He was the sixth man to walk upon the moon, and even though he didn’t see any extraterrestrials there, what he DID experience there has formed his subsequent theories about who the visitors are. Mitchell is one of the people who wrote a "blurb" for the cover of Whitley’s new book "Solving the Communion Enigma." read more

Last week, this journal started with the paragraph: "My new book, Solving the Communion Enigma is being murdered in the bookstores. There is no other way to say it. Try finding it in a bookstore."

Now it turns out that it is moving out of the stores very well, and that’s thanks to you. There have also been some good reviews of it, for which I could not be more grateful. Communion Enigma is important. It breaks new ground and, to my joy, the reviewers are beginning to recognize this.
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A passing coronal mass ejection from the sun caused an illumination response from an otherwise invisible object near Mercury that was captured both by NASA’s Heliospheric Imager 1 satellite and by the SECCHI-A spacecraft. Initially, SECCHI staff explained it as a video afterimage of the planet on the previous day, but other imagery of Mercury taken during other coronal mass ejections do not show the same effect, and the explanation has since been removed from their website. However, that doesn’t mean that it’s wrong, as a similar ‘object’ has been observed near Mars by SECCHI-B. It could well be that what is being seen is an after-image of a previous day’s run, just as NASA says.
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