You couldn’t make something like this up: A German academic believes that the reason Voyager 2, an unmanned probe that has been in space for more than 30 years, has started sending out strange messages that are confusing scientists, is because it has been taken over by extraterrestrial life.
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Cameron does an about-face. – After first saying that the extradition of UFO “hacker” GaryMcKinnon would be stalled indefinitely, new UK PrimeMinister Cameron quickly backtracked and now claims thatthere is nothing he can do to forestall his extradition tothe United States, where he could be tried as a terrorist and sentenced to years in prison. McKinnon claims he was visiting into NASA computers to look for UFO evidence. However, he is not a “hacker” as depicted in thepress because the computers he visited were not protectedfrom outside intrusion in any way. As NASA is a publicagency and under its own charter is not allowed to concealinformation, why McKinnon has been charged as a terrorist isunclear. There is no law against embarrassing the UnitedStates more

Some of the scientists who think that life must exist elsewhere in the universe base their opinion on the fact that life is very likely to emerge on Earth-like planets. How can we test this theory?

In the May 14th edition of the New York Times, Paul Davies writes: “The mechanism of life’s origin remains shrouded in mystery. So how can we test the idea that the transition from nonlife to life is simple enough to happen repeatedly? The most obvious and straightforward way is to search for a second form of life on Earth. No planet is more Earth-like than Earth itself, so if the path to life is easy, then life should have started up many times over right here.
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An open exchange of information with aliens will certainly be of interest to open-minded scientists, but is the disclosure that could begin this process dangerous? Should we be prepared to counterattack?

The prestigious German newspaper “Bild” reports that a UFO expert Hartwig Hausdorf thinks that NASA’s Voyager 2 spacecraft may have been hijacked by aliens who are using it to attempt to contact us. Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 were launched over 30 years ago, but it Voyager 2 now started transmitting strange, unintelligible signals back to Earth. These probes carried friendly images of humans plus a 12-inch disk containing music and greetings in 55 languages in case intelligent extraterrestrials found it. Could this finally have happened?
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